Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Drawings from the Airlie Vineyards

Today Vistas & Vineyards visited the Airlie Vineyard for a paintout. I have been doing far too many paintings lately so I decided to try a couple of ink and wash pieces. Each began as a blind contour drawing followed by additional ink work and a light watercolor wash. This is a much faster process and I completed three drawings in the morning. These are my two favorites. Needless to say I really like old farm equipment. Most everyone else was painting vistas and vineyards as we are supposed to do.


Timaree said...

I love the free forms of blind contour with watercolor washes. These look great.

Deb L. said...

Found you on the bloghop... you have some wonderful paintings here but these little watercolors from blind contour drawings are quite charming! Deb